Planning performance framework report 2020-21
This report highlights how we supported the delivery of better outcomes through the planning system in 2020-21.
How we support to the planning system
We publish a report (the Planning Performance Framework) every year. The report for 2020-21 shows our work in the planning system and how we build capacity and support local planning authorities.
The report shows how we make a difference to our stakeholders. In 2020-21 we provided design advice to 44 projects at pre-application stage, supported six planning authorities in the preparation of seven effective spatial strategies and we provided support to seven strategic placemaking initiatives.
Successful placemaking
We provide advice on the extent to which plans, policies and development proposals, will support successful places. As a key agency, we contribute to local development plans and other national and regional spatial plans.
A&DS is not a statutory consultee and we do not determine planning applications or other development consents. Those who do so take account of our advice as they make decisions about development proposals on the basis of relevant plans and policies.
In 2020-2021 we contributed to the planning system in the following ways:
- Strategic/Development Planning: Place-Based Briefing, Place Standard, Town Centre Living, Place Planning for Decarbonisation
- Development Management: Pre-Application Design Advice; Rural Tourist Infrastructure Fund, Green Infrastructure in Social Housing
- Support/Capacity Building: Skills Development, Public Sector Client Forum, Local Design Panels, Case Studies, Making Places, Key Agencies Group.
What is the Planning Performance Framework?
Planning Performance Frameworks (PPF) were developed by Local Planning Authorities, Strategic Development Planning Authorities, Key Agencies and the Scottish Government as a way of measuring the value added by an authority or organisation.
Typically, the reports use qualitative and quantitative measures to give a snapshot of our impact. These measures are agreed through the Key Agency Group and the Scottish Government. Each Key Agency prepares a PPF report annually, as well as a joint statement on their activities undertaken.