Our events
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Here is where you can find information on how you can get in touch with us for expert commentary on the built environment in Scotland.
For press enquiries related to our work or topics that we have expert knowledge of, please contact Anja Ekelof, Communications Manager, at press@ads.org.uk
If you have a more general query about content you can also get in touch with us using the info@ads.org.uk email.
Our latest press releases and news are posted here.
We support organisations and people from across Scotland. Our team of professionals include architects, planners, landscape architects and designers. We have significant experience of facilitation and community engagement. We believe passionately in the ability of good design to transform places. Here are some of the areas that we can provide commentary on:
Want to find out about events related to Architecture and Design Scotland? Find out which events happening soon.
Header image credit: Vanilla Bear Films on Unsplash