Local authority urban design forum 07 - newsletter - May 2016
Newsletter on the adaptation of existing streets and the design of new streets.
A&DS is pleased to share outputs from the meeting of the Local Authority Urban Design Forum (LAUDF), held at the Lighthouse, Glasgow, on 12th May 2016.
This newsletter covers the seventh meeting of the Forum, which focussed on the topic of Street Design. The meeting was well attended by 50 professionals from 24 local authorities or public bodies and attracted a good mix of people across planning, transport, architecture, urban design and landscape professions.
Adapting existing streets
Two key workshops looked at street design issues for the retrofit/adaptation of existing streets and for the design of new streets. Forum members proposed projects from their own areas to prompt discussion and stimulate shared learning about common challenges, successful practices and potential approaches. There was lively discussion, with forum members exchanging experiences and offering support and encouragement to colleagues.
Presentations at the event included Stuart Watson – Scottish Government on the designing streets toolkit and role for place standard in street design, John Thomson – Society of Chief Transportation Engineers (SCOTS), touching on the National Roads Development Guide and international practice. Karen Stevenson – City of Edinburgh Council with a practitioner’s experience of developing policy and delivering improvements and Johnny Cadell – A&DS on the role of architecture in creating good streets.
The LAUDF is a network for local authority practitioners with an involvement in urban design to share ideas on current issues, learn from each other’s experience and build up resources that everyone can benefit from. The forum is led by participants, with support from A&DS.
Join the Local Authority Urban Design Forum
The Local Authority Urban Design Forum creates a space for networking for practitioners involved in urban design throughout Scotland. The Forum meets twice a year and the agenda is set by the members.