(July 2024) Our Director of Design, Heather Claridge, took a study trip to Barcelona during her holidays to explore the value of design and how Barcelona has been redesigned for people and climate.
Barcelona is one of the cities leading the way in creating better places. In particular, its Superblocks are transforming neighbourhoods into people-friendly spaces. A recent study trip with the Academy of Urbanism offered a first-hand look at how design can create more liveable, sustainable, and inclusive communities.
Redesigning cities with accessibility and climate in mind
Imagine a city block where cars take a backseat to pedestrians, playgrounds, and green spaces. This is the essence of a Superblock. By clustering traditional city blocks, Barcelona is creating a new public realm that prioritises human well-being and environmental sustainability. Reduced traffic congestion, cleaner air, and improved public health are just some of the benefits. Plus, Superblocks are directly helping combat climate change. By introducing more green spaces, plants and trees, these measures are helping to cool urban temperatures and manage surface water.
Redesigning cities as caring places
The benefits of Superblocks extend far beyond physical improvements. They are also transforming how care is provided for its elderly communities. By clustering care services within Superblock’ clusters, Barcelona has significantly enhanced the delivery of essential support. Care workers now spend more time with their teams and provide quality care to clients. This has led to improved job satisfaction, reduced staff turnover, and ultimately, better outcomes for those in need.
For instance, before the Superblocks, care workers often covered large areas and faced long commutes between appointments, leading to increased stress and reduced efficiency. The new model allows for more focused care, with workers building stronger relationships with their clients in their Superblock areas. This personalised approach has been shown to improve the overall care provided.
Redesigning cities with locals for locals
Barcelona's Superblocks are a brilliant example of how cities can be redesigned for people and climate. Yet the City didn't just jump into implementing the Superblocks. They started by testing ideas with temporary changes. This helped them work with the local communities and see what worked and what didn't before making permanent changes.
While Barcelona's scale differs from Scottish cities, the core principles of community engagement, experimentation, and a design-led approach, are universally applicable. By investing in the design of our places, we can create healthier, happier, and more resilient communities and critically support better public service delivery.
The value of design
In June 2024, we launched the value of design campaign to talk about what we mean by design and how we think it can improve people’s lives. This article is part of a series of short thoughtful pieces that explores how thoughtful design can transform communities, boost opportunities, and improve overall well-being.